Chapter Seven Podcast
text file!
Chapter seven is fully edited and ready for listening to. I'm requesting some more answers of the reserarch questions, so for everyone that hasn't sent back any feedback to me I'm going to post the link to the question file once more. Please, please, please. If you're using any of the materials that I'm posting and you really don't want to answer the questions, just drop me a line and say hi. I've got three months left before I hand in my dissertation, so there's still time to say hello and help mne out!
There's a bit of a twist included in the audio file that I've linked above. So have a listen and then get in touch! You can e-mail me at:
Hope to hear from you soon!
Hi vicki. What about the pdf for this chapter?
Erm, I'm trying to encourage people to answer the questions, so if you answer the 10 questions and send me a mail I'll send you the link...
Hi Vix!
As a beginner Higland piper and a very beginner Uillean and Small piper, I think I can give you some personal feedback. I apologize I don't understand some your questions because of my bad english but I'll try my best ;-)
I started to study the GHB 3 years ago and last year, when I bought my second hand mouthblown smallpipe, I was confident that the playing method of both bagpipes was the same. I was not fully satisfied with it due to the chanter dimension and the gracenotes applied to the tunes. So I decided to move my effort on the uillean pipe: ohhhh, very good sound, mellow... with a little trouble on the bellow technique.
Finally your podcast site! Reading your first two lessons I have understand your new approach to teaching the smallpipe technique: no gracenote if you want, or little gracenote where applicable and, hearing the mp3 file, the sliding from one note to another one's!!! "Great job and great passion..." I have thinked about you.
Ok, I decided to start with your lesson. The very first one is usefull for my bellow technique on uillean pipe... and up to lesson 3 is a good excercise to clean the finger technique. Pleasant tunes on lesson 4: totally different from those on the GHB tutor book (traditional and a little bit boring for a no novice user) and rich of "something" that I was looking for on the smallpipe!
At the moment I am on lesson 5 trying to understand the gracenotes inside the smallpipe tunes.
And now your question:
1. How would you describe the quality of your learning experience? I am totally satisfied with your lessons.
2. Describe what you learned from the podcast? At the moment The mystery world of gracenotes applied to the smallpipe.
3. To what extent did you enjoy the experience? Really high due to the new concept tunes!
4. What changes could be made / added to these podcasts to improve the learning experience? Maybe you can add some general rules about the session. I mean, what about playing with guitar or flute? Why not add a few tunes for a home made session?
6. How was the sequencing of the material in the tutor? (so far) Was it pitched at the right level for a beginner through to more experienced player? My personal feedback is yes, I think you get the right answer for who, like me, was looking for a smallpipe tutor.
7. Chapters seven to ten haven't been recorded yet, how can the learning experience be improved? Maybe answer to 4.
8. Would you recommend this blog and podcast to other fellow (or would be) pipers? Yes, of course! My GHB colleagues have been informed about that.
10. Any general observations? I know, it is difficult to carry on your work. However you must go ahead with your podcast! I really believe in your work! Good job Vicky!
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