Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Golden Birch - A Video podcast!

Video Podcast!

The Dots.

A different kind of podcast today. As a result of the feedback I got I decided to have a go with the videopodcasting to see if it worked / was worse. I've been out visiting my grandma in Sweden with no access to broadband or any technology other than the computer, so I've put together some old video I made and exported it to a video cast, so there's none of my usual banter. (Maybe you'll find that better, lol) It simply plays through in three different ways a tune, takes roughly 12 minutes. It weighs in at a weighty 35Mb (weighty for the length of time anyway). I'd love it if you'd give the tune a go and then put some feedback either here or e-mail me here!! You don't need to worry about anonymity, I'll not use any names for the dissertation or anything like that so no worries, but leaving messages here is fine too.

So let me know how you get on, does the video add sufficiently to the learning experience to warrant the extra size of file (about three times larger per minute than without the video).

ok, back to editing chapter 7......
Have a good summer.